Birdwatching Tours Panama - Birding tours
Birdwatching & Wildlife Tours
​For all enquiries and bookings call us: Tel.:+507.6446.0466
Bayano Lowland Day Tour
September 18, 2013
Another good day at Bayano lowlands, severals White-eared Conebill, a lot of migratory raptors such as Swainson Hawks and Broad-winged Hawks. Other Raptor birds included Black-Hawk Eagle, Bat Falcon and Double-toothed Kite great sights! Other highlights included: Red-rumped Woodpecker and Rufous-winged Antwren. However, the best bird, a Black Antshrike (regional endemic).
3 Days Birding Central and Eastern Panama with Mike Wolfe
September 16, 2013
Our first day we start at the famous Pipeline Road, some highlights included: Golden-crowned Spadebill, Green-shrike Vireo and Black-capped Pygmy Tyrant. The next day we birded at Bayano, our first birding stop at Mono River and we have great sighthings of eastern specialties, including White-eared Conebill, Black Antshrike, Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher and more! The last birding day at Llano-Cartà Road, we spotted the near endemic Stripe-cheecked Woodpecker, Dull-mantled Antbird and a mixed flock of Olive Tanagers and Lesser Greenlets. At Nusagandi we find a army ants swarm with many Ocellated and Bicolored Antbirds. Other foothills specialities included: Twany-crested, Emerald and Sulphur-winged Tanagers, Tawny-capped Euphonia, White-ruffed Manakin, and much more!
Crested Owl Juvenile!
August 19, 2013
We spotted two Crested Owl, an adult and a juvenile at Soberania National Park. Great find!